Moving Forward
Family and school partnerships are key to a child’s success. Having a complete picture of where each child is academically is very important.
This past spring, students participated in the administration of the West Virginia General Summative Assessment as part of our statewide testing program. This test provides information about student performance in the areas of mathematics, English language arts, and science.
What should your child know?
Understanding Your Child's Score Report
All students have academic strengths as well as areas where more support and improvement might be needed. The tests each student takes are meant to measure the skills in each subject. The interpretive guides provided below will help you to understand the printed reports sent home by your student’s school.
Select the Interpretive Guide for Your Child's Score Report
Find Out More About Your Child's Performance
Enter your child's grade and select a subject and area to see descriptions of the skills for each reporting category and suggested steps you can take to help your child.
Additional Free Resources Available to Support Your Child's Learning
Use this information to have a meaningful conversation with your child’s teacher about the skills and content in the grade level and to support your child’s learning at home.